Friday, January 7, 2011

WikiEducator saves you time and money -- Thanks Jim!

WikiEducator has been experimenting with remix options for reusable and portable content.  All you need to do is click, copy and paste!

This means that it is now easier for schools and tertiary education institutions to share learning materials for delivery in their own learning management systems, blogs and websites.

The OER Foundation has now implemented a cut-and-paste feature so you don't need to worry about remembering the HTML syntax.


In WikiEducator, under the links option in the toolbox (on the left-hand side of your screen) you will find a few options relating to links including iFrame support which is used for embedding WikiEducator content in external sites.

Go to the WikiEducator page you want to embed, click on "links". Choose the iFrame option you would like to embed by clicking on the text. This will automatically highlight the html text you should copy for pasting into your target website. You have the option of embedding the exact revision or the most recent version which will keep up to date with community edits in the wiki.

Couldn't be easier! Thanks Jim for saving WikiEducators time and money. You will find more instructions from WikiEducator below demonstrating how the feature can be used in your blogs and websites which supporting the <iframe> tag.