Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Remixing "Open Content Licensing 4 Educators"

This is a very early beta example of what one of the Open Content Licensing 4 Educators project being developed on WikiEducator might look like in a blog post.

The OER Foundation, OpenCourseware Consortium, UNESCO and Creative Commoners are collaborating on the development of guidelines and ultimately a free online course to help educators take informed decisions about open content licensing.

Here is an early preview of the Creative Commons unplugged tutorial:

Still lots of work to do and very much "work in progress".

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

WikiEducator remix

The untapped potential of OER lies in the remix. Here we demonstrate how to embed a WikiEducator online tutorial for educators who use blogging technologies to support their online teaching. Educators can collaborate on developing OERs on WikiEducator then reuse this content in a variety of delivery technologies including learning management systems, blogs, and websites.

Of course it is possible to use the same approach for embedding OERs from WikiEducator in your favourite learning management system. Here we have posted a few examples using Moodle (login as a guest to view these pages.)

The remix is based on using the HTML <iframe> tag with a proof of concept demonstration on the WikiEducator server which instructs the target website to remove the redundant Mediawiki specific navigation elements.  Our next step is to think about reuse scenarios for developing a user friendly interface for generating the HTML to paste over to the target site under alternative use cases.

For more information and feedback, please visit our page on WikiEducator.